Profile image of Scott Humphries.

Scott Humphries

Owner at The Right Path Marketing
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About Me

I own a digital marketing business called The Right Path Marketing. We specialized in content-driven websites, SEO, and Paid Ads. I do free in-depth consultations for businesses in the trades to provide analysis and tips on improving website conversions and results from online marketing.

Great Introductions

I love giving businesses a complimentary website and SEO consultation, particularly if they are in need of local search traffic (trades, like plumbers, painters, roofers, etc). I'm always looking to expand my network so other professionals in digital marketing and business development are great introductions.

Hobbies and Interests

I need to get back to outdoor running - I've been slacking in 2023 so far, but a good 8-10 mile run is like therapy to me. I also enjoy taking part in local community theatre.